
Book Recommendations

I recently asked for recommendations for books on Threads. Here are books by indie authors to consider!

Mia Sanchez: https://linktr.ee/authormiasanchez31

Sapphic Poetry: “Only You”



Rosalie Fox: https://rosaliefox.wixsite.com/rosalie-fox/my-books

Historical fiction with a touch of romance: “A Tale of Wild Geese”



James Colson

Fantasy: “The Tale of Tiernan”



Sabrina Oyinloye: https://linktr.ee/AuthorSabrinaO76

Steamy dark romance: “Forever Yours”



Sean Mooney: https://linktr.ee/SeanDMooney

Short stories: “Lost and Found”



Marie Howalt: https://www.mhowalt.dk/

Post Apocalypse: “We Lost the Sky”



Jane Jago

Dystopian scifi: “His Sister’s Keeper”



Ian Thomas Healy: https://linktr.ee/ianthomashealy

Humorous Fantasy: “Roast Wyvern”



D. Lynette: https://linktr.ee/dlynnettefiction

Workplace Romance: “Aiden”



Shel Schneider: https://linktr.ee/shel.schneider.author

LGBTQ+ SciFi: “Broken Parallels”



Christopher Stanfield: https://linktr.ee/aSeasonOfAngels

Serial Killers: “The Bloody Rose”



Elizabeth Lyon: https://linktr.ee/Lyons101

Contemporary Women’s Fiction: “Not Good Enough for You”



R L Geerrobbins: https://rlgeerrobbins.com/

Mythology: “The Writer and the Librarian”



I have updated my About page to include a link to my YouTube Channel: Future Urban Farmer


My book Hunchback is now available in paperback. It's available to book stores and Libraries in the USA and will soon be available to book stores in the UK and Rep. of Ireland.


I updated my social links at the bottom right side of the site to include my Future Urban Farmer YouTube channel and my Goodreads page.


Life has come at us again and I am going to go spend some time with my mom to support her through a rough time. This means an abrupt move to Las Vegas. I am listing all my plants here for those in or near Coos Bay, Oregon.


Martian Tomatoes (2)

Thorburn tomatoes 

Poblano peppers

Jarrahdale Pumpkins (1)

Thai eggplant 

Red and Green Chard


Bibb Lettuce

Swan neck gourds

Sugar baby melons (1)

Cucumber - Muncher (2)

Cucumber - Beit Alpha

Yod Fah and Rapini broccoli

pot of mature Cutting Celery (1)


Red/yellow marigold 

Giant yellow marigold

Forget Me Nots 

Black pansy

Kew blue salpiglossis 


Curled parsley



Summer Savory



Site maintenance ongoing! Adjustment of the Kindle Vella pages to include the new romance story.



Doing general maintenance of site and adding some new content.


My blog contains new content yay! I am currently working on Champions Of Falural, but don’t get attached to the name it’s going to change. This fantasy is about four uniquely qualified individuals who recognize things that have gone wrong on Falural and must do their best to reunite the people who live there before the planet breaks up into pieces. But can they save Falural before they wind up killing each other?

I have a few short stories on the go, but nothing I’m ready to publish. My other tasks in no specific order.

Create some cooking videos. This is part of my “Don’t Be Afraid” series and needs some tidying and tightening!

Review some more books and put them on my blog. For that matter, I should probably blog more!

Create the most amazeballs garden I’ve ever had in my life. LOL.


We cleaned up the podcast page, it now includes links to our affiliates. We also deleted the book review page as we were not really using it anymore.


We’ve started recording the audio book version of my forthcoming novel, Hunchback. More news soon!


The hunt for a new cover artist begins. We're looking for someone interested in doing a Steampunk/Fantasy novel cover for my up coming title, Hunchback. If interested please get in touch with me through the contact page.


Almost finished the final draft of my new book 'Hunchback'. Stay tuned as I get closer to release day!


Just one day to go for the release of 'Eclectic Reflections of Now' on Kindle!


I've started a new podcast show called 'Beery Good Entertainment' with my friend Lola Lariscy. We will be discussing craft beer, TV, movies, politics and general entertainment. To listen to an episode simply click on the 'Podcast' page above.


A page will soon be going up for South Corvallis, Oregon detailing what seedlings I will have for the community. Please feel free to get in contact with me if you are in South Corvallis and would like some. Seedlings will become available ~April 2017. 


Hope everyone is having a great Thanksgiving weekend. This is an exciting time of year for me as my second novel has just been sent to the editor and we are very excited about it's near future release.


New book reviews are up on my Youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV6kqjnSStqXfK-QzvU2IzNxXbmP9EeZE


Some know that this summer I had an opportunity to photograph a marijuana farm here in Corvallis, Oregon. This is been the focal point of a drastic change in view for me about the whole subject. I am now working on developing an article to submit to magazines and newspapers about my experience.


I am currently working on formatting the paperback version of The Hunger Inside. I am also preparing for NaNoWriMo. This years book will be a fantasy novel, potentially YA.

Check out "Champions of Falural" on the NaNoWriMo site HERE.


In review. It's in review. The Hunger Inside has been uploaded to Amazon and the book is in review.  Oh boy. 

Book Cover

Today we'll be working on a possible cover image for "The Hunger Inside".

4-17-2015  an update on "The Hunger Inside" 

Today the copy editing on The Hunger Inside has been completed! Yay! I am VERY, no wait, rewind. I am very grateful to Brian Rush for all his hard work on this book.  Okay, now comes proofing, formatting, cover art, beta reading and then the plunge. Publishing. Hopefully I'll have this out sometime in the next month or so. I will let you all know. 

1112 words on Aliens Among Us

Now for a bit of editing review on The Hunger Inside and then I can take care of my ponies! :D


The Hunger Inside has now been sent for a final read through by the developmental editor. As soon as it goes through proofing, I will be looking for beta readers. The Hunger Inside is a literary novel that addresses the current social topic of inequality. If you would be interested, please let me know through the Contact tab at the top of the page.

The Ubuntu Phone Is Finally Here

Well today saw the release of the first Ubuntu phone in Europe. If you're one of the lucky few that managed to get one don't forget you can get our app from the Click Store. Just search for S0rceress0 - Dragons and Redshirts.

Ubuntu Phone  Web App Released

For those of you that are already using the Ubuntu Phone or are planing on buying one when they are released, we now have an app available in the Ubuntu Click Store. Just search for S0rceress0 - Dragons and Red Shirts!

Monthly Site Stats 

Jan 1, 2015 goals

Today's goal: Find a second editor for The Hunger Inside
I purchased the Writers Market 2015 for this purpose. I'm not sure if it will do much good. 
Right now I have $300 saved to hand over. My own editing is going steadily, my first editor about halfway through, and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt I will need this content editor. I want to make sure that the book makes sense, there are no hanging characters or bits of story line, it is believable, and socially pertinent. Of course, I also need to edit one or two sections. It's a pretty good start to the year!

Book Editing

Done working for today. Sections 7 through 14 of The Hunger Inside edited. Some sections really make me think I'm a brilliant writer, but I tell you, some endings are just...hideous. It's like a drop off the Grand Canyon with no one pushing you. "How did I get here" kind of thing.
I have 31 sections to get through and more backstory to write. Not there yet, but I'm into it up to my ankles.

Audio Files

In an effort to be as accessible as possible to everyone, I will be including MP3 files of each Blog post that I make. I am learning more about accessibility for my site. If you have a request, please contact me. I am willing to learn more to make this site more accessible to everyone.


I have added a page to let you know about my services as a ghostwriter HERE. The page will tell you all about what ghostwriting is and what I can do for you.

NaNoWriMo Character Updates

I'll be sharing more info about the character's from my NaNoWriMo novel in blog posts.

NaNoWriMo Updates

I will be pushing out more NaNoWriMo updates for those that do not follow me on G+.

Contact Page Update

The contact page is now fully setup and working. Some of you might have tried to send me a message yesterday and found that the contact sheet wasn't working, my apologies, the problem has now been corrected.  


NaNo Nano! It's going well, 20k down as of today!